I am standing before my Father,
Trepidation pounding my heart,
Trying to formulate all my feelings,
Searching for the words, how to start?
For You are my dear, loving Father,
You give me more than I’ll ever know,
But my Father, will they ever?
Will the tears ever stop to flow?
Will I ever, will I ever?
Will I believe what I already know?
Will I ever, will I ever?
See the rain wash away all my woes?
Will I ever, will I ever?
Will I awake in a world full of light?
Will I ever, will I ever?
Say goodbye to the pain and the strife?
My Father can you answer my questions,
That hang so lost deep inside?
Will the confusion ever untangle?
Will I feel you at my side?
Oh my Father, will it ever?
Will the emptiness lose its ache?
Will the beating pain of my soul?
My Father will it ever abate?
Will I ever, will I ever?
Be filled with hope for the future days?
Will I ever, will I ever?
Feel Your love guiding me on my way?
Will it ever, will it ever?
Will my deepest dreams ever come true?
Will it ever, will it ever?
Will it be clear that it’s all from You?
Once I’m standing here full of questions,
That I never thought I would ask,
I will try to gather the courage,
For just one more, oh, please let me ask!
Will the life that I do now know,
Full of uncertainties, fear and grief,
Will it ever? Can it ever?
Will a change ever come upon me?
Oh my Father, my dear Father,
Will You do what only You can do?
Will You ever? Will You ever?
Make the impossibilities come true?
Will You ever? Will You ever?
Will You spread sparkling stars of hope?
Will You send my way, that wondrous day?
Yes! That day that I’m waiting for!
And until that time will arrive,
Let me accept all that you do give,
Grant me the clarity that I yearn for,
So with tranquility I can live!
I’ll continue turning to You,
Cuz You’re the only One with true strength,
You can silence all of my questions,
And bring the darkness to its end!
Will You ever? Will You ever?
Will You do what only You can do?
Will You ever? Will You ever?
Just do it, I’m relying on You!
Help me, my Father! My dear Father!
Find true peace in the life that I live!
Help me be able to see, with clarity,
That all You do is the greatest gift!
Will I ever? Will I ever?
One day I’ll be singing your song!
Cuz forever and ever,
I’ll live with praise and thanks forever more!
Ki Mey’Oilam Ki Mey’Oilem Ki Mey’Oilam Kivinu Lach!