An icy and bitter wind does blow,
Enveloping all with it’s cold,
So complacent, no desire to grow,
Stuck in the Yetzer Hara’s hold!
Without thought or purpose to our actions,
It is so cold without the passion,
Where is the will to strive for something more,
Devoid of warmth; a heart of stone!
So let’s ignite that spark,
Brighten up what’s cold and dark,
Stop and think and introspect!
Focus on the meaning,
Infusing feeling,
Into every single simple act!
We’ll elevate our actions,
With fresh excitement,
A warming power we will generate!
A glow that reaches upward,
Will brighten up the world,
Inspiring others to soar!
Precious flames are in all that we do,
Hislahavus can grow within you!
So take heart and step into a place,
Of transformations every day!
With these thoughts of purpose to our actions,
What was Hergel now burns with glowing passion,
Feel the Cheshek, feel all the emotion,
Spreading to future generations!
Dear daughters of today,
Brighten up what’s cold and dark,
Stop and think and introspect!
When doing all the Mitzvos,
Ignite that inner spark,
And watch it spread to the next Dor!
Simu livavchem Al Darkiechem,
A warming power we will generate!
A glow that reaches upward,
To brighten up the world,
Inspiring others to soar!