BYDH the music’s on,
Can’t you feel that Chessed Beat?!
See everyone run,
To join the fun,
Chessed keeps you on your feet!
Lakol zman V’eis eis lirkod V’eis la’asos,
The music’s blares it’s time for the Chessed dance!
The volume soars, its action packed,
Cuz Chessed’s got the beat!
Step up to the plate,
As the song overtakes,
Jump to the opportunity!
With a spring in your step let me see you smile,
Cuz it is all worthwhile,
321 let’s dance the extra mile!!
Chessed ayin ches,
Surely is the best!
There’s no time to rest,
Let me see you dance it!
So twirl around and touch the sky,
Cuz chessed makes you fly!
Let’s just dance!
Chesseds got the beat!
Feeling energetic,
We’re doing it happily!
So twirl around and touch the sky,
Cuz chessed makes you fly!
It’s a special kind of melody,
Full of life, full of giving,
To one another!
Cha cha right, cha cha left!
BYDH just dance!